Begin As You Mean To Go

I find rigid and strict goal setting doesn't suit my personality, my goals never seem tender enough and feel awfully confining. They aren’t fluid or encompassing. They don't allow for unseen events or unexpected uncoverings of self. I have come to realize part of the reason I make art is because in the making of my pieces I am getting to know myself. The act of creating allows us moments of mediation, as we work we are able to reach a place where pieces of ourselves can be mended and problems can be solved. It was here, in the act of creating I observed a kinder way to set some intentions for myself.
I check in with the previous year’s Krista and write myself a little note : “To the woman I was in 2020” and then I fill in the query. This year I answered “I am very proud of you for treating yourself with softness even when things were hard.”
Followed by this question of self: “This year I choose to be more_______”
and I fill it in with my word of the year. This year my word is PRESENT reminding myself that now is now, am I here? Am I experiencing it as best I know and have the capacity to feel? Am I in it with all my heart? I will steadfastly center myself wherever I am and enjoy the moment.
Would you like to try?
Create a quiet moment for yourself and reflect back on last year with “To the person I was in 2020” and look ahead with brightness and courage “This year I choose to be more_____”
I raise a glass to you my fellow creatives and wish you all good things in the year to come. May we strive to love ourselves with a radical authenticity, may we strive with all our hearts to make and mend ourselves. May we tempt beauty to visit us often and stay a long while. 2021 we like the look of you.
Comments on this post (1)
Thank you for your post on teaching a workshop! You have amazing ideas and are so able to bring it all together! I plan to put some of your ideas into practice
— Deb Anderson