Five Unique Elements To Include In A Fabulous Gallery Wall

I create ceramics for your everyday and I do so in the hope that as you bring a handmade piece into your home, it will remind you to celebrate your uniqueness, your transformations, your imperfections, and your triumphs over the challenges of every day. It is a great privilege for me to share something that will abide in your abode; for I know that while there are many places to call home- among the many- we have the opportunity to create warmth and belonging. Connection and reflection. Memory and future. No matter the situation, time, or place, you can surround yourself with pieces that tell the story of you.
Throughout my life, in the places I've called home, I've gathered meaningful pieces and composed them into a gallery wall telling my story. This is a process that not only takes time, but evolves along with me. I change, grow, learn, and create anew and so-- my home and collections metamorphosize along with me. My collections are the slow combination of me at this moment and all my journeyings and discoveries, and yours can be too- you at this moment. The specific pieces we choose for our homes are never just pieces; there is a depth to them which reveals clues about the collector: her interests and experiences, her history, her daydreams.
I have noticed recurring themes among my storytelling collections. Though the materials, art, and locations may change, I always seem to include these five delights:
-a vintage treasure
-a piece of personal or family history
-something black and white
-inspiring words or quotes
-a handmade ceramic element
Let’s take a peek at what I’ve collected lately.
A Vintage Treasure: I tend to go heavy on the vintage: vintage art, vintage frames, and vintage collectibles. I think it adds so much character, plus I love the color tones of vintage pieces. Many an adventure has ended with an aged treasure in my carry on bag.
A Piece of Personal or Family History:
History that is this close connects us and binds us past, present, and future. This is a picture of me putting lipstick on my younger sister and dearest friend. It reminds me of my childhood and the importance of family. It’s one of my favorite photos; reminding me of the honor it is to be a sister and the importance of nurturing- even if it’s teaching your baby sister about the virtues of banana chapstick!
Something Black and White: I prefer gestural and hand drawn black and white pieces so they lean toward expressive warmth. This anchors your gallery and also acts as a balance for other colors you might bring in.
Inspiring Words or Quotes: There is such power in posting positivity all around your home. I take strength from words of affirmation or family mottos as visual reminders of spoken priorities.
A Handmade Ceramic Element:
Welcome elements of nature and texture! Clay is an element of the earth and has a grounding energy. It goes through a beautiful metaphoric process of becoming and can serve as a reminder of that process. I chose to make a place for the "The Moon and Her Friends" wall hanging (If you've made it this far on opening day I'm so grateful and I have a surprise for you use code STUDIOMATE for 15% off your order in the shop)
Most importantly, begin right where you are, with what you have. Gather. Dust off that frame you packed home from a trip. Find a special spot for a drawing made by you. At a local market? Pick up a piece and support a local artist (LINK HERE). Perhaps you have a trinket passed down to you from your grandmother? Unpack that cheeky find that brings you joy. It’s time to hang your unconventional knick knacks from pin or nail.
Gather them all. Find framing solutions that accentuate their character. Know this will take time. Know that not every piece will fit in a balanced way; but sometimes that’s a matter of finding a different way to display it: selecting a different frame color, or getting it printed in a larger or smaller size. Form your collection, and remember, pieces can be changed and exchanged and shuffled. Consider how placement maximizes the meaning. For example, this wall hanging I made feels incredibly celestial next to this photo of my Great Grandpa LeRoy and Great Grandma Venus. I love this look at their relationship, and seeing these two pieces composed serves as a reminder of the longevity found in loving greatly and laughing together.
This process of looking, gathering, reflecting, pairing, and creating will give you insights and clues to what’s important to you- and you will find yourself surrounded in story. Here, wherever you are and whatever you call home, in this present you can create an everyday moment of warmth and belonging.
Comments on this post (3)
I too love collecting things to "abide in my abode’. These collectables leave a timeless signature that speaks over and over again of places and people and sites that are now apart of me…a continual pause of reflection to renewal!
— Venus
So gorgeous! Love getting to see more of your process and into the ‘why’ of your creations. Just stunning.
— Holly Sax
So happy for your new website and loved this article about 5 elements of a great gallery wall. Excellent! Thanks!
— Cynthia